Friday, February 3, 2012

Motorola beats Apple in court; iPhones and iPads banned temporarily in Germany


Motorola beats Apple in court; iPhones and iPads banned temporarily in Germany:

"We have something special for your daily flurry of lawsuit news. We usually see Cupertino Giant messing with all the little boys in the playground. Today, Motorola has taken a big swing at Apple, winning a permanent injunction in Germany. This forced Apple to pull most of its devices from its online store (you could still find them at stores) for a while."

The Smart-Phone Wars Rage On!!

I have to say I think Apple had this coming. They have made some amazing, world-changing products. That doesn't mean they get to have a monopoly. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out, but, for now, I'm enjoying the transition from Apple to Google and the open source movement.

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